
A work in progress!

Here is a list of some of my favorite things. They make my life easier, happier, thriftier or more efficient:

Favorite Financial Blogs:

Afford Anything (my queen, Paula Pant)

Frugalwoods (Liz’s book is a great read, too!)

Our Next Life (Tanja Hester also wrote this amazing book)

The Mad Fientist

Root of Good 

And the one that really started this journey for me:

Mr. Money Moustache

Favorite Financial Podcasts:

Afford Anything (Paula Pant)

Choose FI (Brad Barrett and Jonathan Mendonsa)

So Money (Farnoosh Torabi)

HerMoney (Jean Chatzky)

The Fairer Cents: Rad Women. Real Money Stories. (Tanja Hester and Kara Perez)

Favorite Products (coming soon)

Favorite Books (coming soon)

Favorite Services (coming soon)